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Help for Ukraine web banner

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How to implement

This is a simple banner you can place on your website. This banner will guide your visitors to information about how to reliably and effectively help Ukraine and its people.

Simply link a single minified JavaScript file like this example:

<script src="" defer></script>

You can choose the latest version in different languages below.

Without any further configuration it will display the banner pointing your visitors to the predefined location depending on the language version:

Optional configuration

You can optionally configure the banner behavior by setting a window variable (before loading the script).

window.UA_BANNER = {
    zIndex: 123,
    title: 'HELP UKRAINE',
    link: 'Get involved too. Click and find out how you can help.',
    linkUrl: '',
<script src="" defer></script>


We recommend you use the latest released version for your language:


Released language versions:

Слава Україні!

Previous releases


Released language versions:


Released language versions:


Released language versions:


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